Loss Control Specialists

The role of the Loss Control Specialist, specifically in Theft Prevention, has been added to Risk Theory to communicate with our clients from a law enforcement perspective on how to take steps to prevent and/or cut down on thefts at your places of business and works closely with the underwriters at Risk Point.

Criminals are constantly changing their modus operandi of how they commit these crimes, their specific targets, and they change with the times and technologies. To combat that, we have employed a retired peace officer with over 30 years of experience, who understands the way criminals are thinking and the way to better combat their every changing MO’s and can give insights as to the vulnerabilities seen at your places of business through the eyes of a cop and not a civilian.

The Theft Prevention Specialist will meet with clients one on one and discuss strengths and weakness observed and give advice and suggestions for the client to investigate to better protect themselves against theft. The following 8 subject topics will be a part of the meetings:

  • Lot/Building Protection
  • Inventory Checks
  • Key Security
  • Staff/Contractor Screening
  • Active Surveillance Methods
  • Law Enforcement Relationships
  • Innovation in Technology in Theft Prevention
  • Fraud

These meetings are brief, and our clients so far have found them to be extremely helpful and allows them to think outside of the box and think how a thief may view their weaknesses, and understand, sometimes simple and cost-effective ways to shore up Theft Prevention.

Theft will never go away %100, but criminals are always looking for the easiest targets. The tools and insight our Loss Control Specialist (Theft Prevention) with years of law enforcement experience can help provide in these important meetings can make sure you are not one of those easy targets.

Our Loss Control Specialist will also be available for our clients to reach out to anytime and ask any questions they may have regarding theft prevention, advice, or opinions.

Risk Theory is excited for the Loss Control Specialist position, to provide yet another layer of service to help protect our valued clients against being the victims of theft.